Good Protein Sources

Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Good Protein Sources   Protein can help you shed those unwanted pounds — and keep your belly full. But it’s important to eat the right amount and the right kind of protein to get its health benefits.   Seafood Seafood is an excellent source of protein because it’s usually low in fat. Fish […]

5 Good Reasons Why You Should Work out with Your Friends

Healthy Lifestyle Tip From Kennedy Club Fitness     Healthy Lifestyle Tip:  5 Good Reasons Why You Should Work out with Your Friends Sometimes, it can be pretty hard finishing a strenuous workout on your own. Training with a partner (both male or female), however, opens up a whole new range of possibilities for motivation. […]

How to Boost Your Metabolism With Exercise

Healthy Lifestyle Tip: How to Boost Your Metabolism With Exercise Metabolism is defined as the bodily processes needed to maintain life.  Your next workout could set you up for a speedier metabolism. Your metabolism includes all the things your body does to turn food into energy and keep you going. Some people have a faster […]

Motivate, Hydrate, Feel Great!

Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Avoid Dehydration with Proper Hydration SLO County is experiencing record heat which means all of us need to take extra precautions to stay hydrated, especially when working out.   Staying hydrated  keeps the body from overheating. When you exercise, your muscles generate heat. To keep from burning up, your body needs to […]

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Healthy Lifestyle Tip: 5 Morning Habits That Shape Your Whole Day What you do in the morning contributes greatly to the tone of your day. There are plenty of posts about the habits of the most successful people, but there really is a reason the way they begin their days impacts how well it goes. […]

Buff-up Your Immunity

You know the type.   Everyone else is dropping like flies from the latest bug, but there’s that one person who never seems phased by it. To find out what his or her secret is, look under their desk.  You’ll probably see a pair of walking shoes at the ready.  A new study revealed that […]

How to OutRun Your Genes

Set your goals, make the journey fun and pat yourself on the back from time to time.   Remember, physical activity is for life. Are your genes working against you? Well, then, here’s the simple trick to outrunning an overweight gene: movement. In a study of people genetically predisposed to obesity, those who were the most […]

Sleep and You

The body is actually designed for an 8 hour sleep cycle but our busy world doesn’t always allow us this luxury. The good news is your exercise routine may be helping! Healthy Lifestyle Tip: Exercise Key to Good Sleep Exercise can affect your sleep. “Exercise is great for sleep. For the millions of people who want […]